Carlyn Mueller

Assistant Professor

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Mueller, Carlyn

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Carlyn Mueller is an Assistant Professor of Special Education in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education. Her research focuses on disability identity development in school contexts; including development of disability community in special education, disability representation in curriculum, and intersectionality of race and disability identity. This work is grounded in her personal experience as a multiply disabled student in special education. Her dissertation work on the lifespan development of disability identity received an Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Educational Research Association’s Special & Inclusive Education Research SIG. She received her PhD from the University of Washington in 2019 and was previously an Academic Pathways Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University.

Select Publications

  • Mueller, C. (2019). Adolescent understandings of disability labels and social stigma in school. International Journal of Qualitative Education Studies, 32(3), 263-281.
  • Mueller, C., & Peck, C. (2019). Expanding disability awareness in undergraduate-education through an online course. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 32(2), 199-208.
  • Mueller, C., Forber-Pratt, A. J., & Sriken, J. (2019). Missing from the conversation of violence: Disability. Journal of Social Issues, 75(3), 707-725.
  • Forber-Pratt, A. J., Mueller, C., & Andrews, E. (2018). Disability identity and allyship in rehabilitation psychology: Sit, stand, sign, and show up. Rehabilitation Psychology, 64(2), 119-129.
  • Forber-Pratt, A. J., Lyew, D. A., Mueller, C., & Samples, L. B. (2017). Disability identity development: A systematic review of the literature. Rehabilitation Psychology, 62(2), 198-207.
  • West, E., Novak, D., & Mueller, C. (2015). Inclusive instructional practices and their perceived importance by instructors. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 29(4), 363-374.

Select Presentations

  • Mueller, C. (2019). Exploring Adolescent Disability Knowledge and Identity. Poster presented at the APA Rehabilitation Psychology Division 22 Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Mueller, C. (2019). Claiming Disability?: Exploring Adolescent Disability Knowledge and Identity in Schools. Paper presented at the Disability Studies in Education SIG, Toronto, Canada.
  • Mueller, C. (2018). Disability and Violence: Methodologies, Media Coverage, and Intersectional Analyses. Poster presented at the OSEP Project Director’s Conference, Washington, DC.
  • Peck, C., & Mueller, C. (2017). Finding Safety in Unexpected Places: Teaching (Dis)Ability, Education and the Arts Online. Paper presented at the 1st Annual International Conference on Disability Studies, Art, and Education, Helsinki, Finland.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Dissertation, AERA Special & Inclusive Education Research SIG, 2020
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation Poster Award, Rehabilitation Psychology Section 1, 2019