Zhe An

Assistant Professor


An, Zhe (Gigi)

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Zhe Gigi An is an assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in 2018. Her scholarship focuses on supporting young children’s social emotional development and meaningful inclusion. Her research interests include early childhood expulsion and suspension practices, social-emotional development of young children with disabilities, family-professional partnerships in the context of early childhood special education and early intervention, and inclusive education theories and practice in the global context.


  • PhD Early Childhood Special Education, University of Kansas, 2018
  • M Ed Early Childhood Special Education, University of Texas at Austin, 2014
  • BS Special Education, Beijing Normal University, 2012

Select Publications

  • Larson, A. L., Cycyk, L. M., Carta, J., Hammer, C. S., Baralt, M., Uchikoshi, Y., An, Z., & Wood, C. (2020). A Systematic Review of Language-Focused Interventions for Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 50, 157-178.
  • An, Z., Zeng, S., Chen, C., & Zhao, H. (In Press). Examining the Bidirectional Relations Between Language and Behavior in Head Start Children. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
  • Mason, R. A., Gunersel, A. B., Irvin, D. W., Wills, H. P., Gregori, E., An, Z., & Ingram, P. B. (2020). From the frontlines: Perceptions of paraprofessionals’ roles and responsibilities. Teacher Education and Special Education, 1-20. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Larson, A., An, Z., Hammer, C. S., Cycyk, L., Wood, C., & Uchikoshi, Y. (In Press). Social validity in early language interventions for dual language learners: A systematic review of the literature. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
  • An, Z., Martinez, J. R., & Ai, J. (In Press). Trial-based functional analysis: A promising and functional way to understand behavior. Young Exceptional Children
  • An, Z., Horn, E., & Cheatham, G. A. (2019). Coaching to build parent competency in addressing early challenging behaviors. Young Exceptional Children, 22(4), 198-213. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Mason, R. A., Schnitz, A. G., Gerow, S., An, Z., & Wills, H. P. (2019). Effects of teacher-implemented coaching to increase the accuracy of data collected by paraeducators. Journal of Behavioral Education, 28, 204-226. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Horn, E., Parks, S., & An, Z. (2019). Inclusive Special Education for Young Learners with Severe and Multiple Disabilities. In F. E. Obiakor and J. P. Bakken (Ed.), Special Education for Young Learners with Disabilities (Advances in Special Education, Vol. 34), 34 (pp. 119-137). Emerald Publishing Limited Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Love, H. R., Horn, E., & An, Z. (2019). Teaching observational data collection to early childhood pre-service educators. Teacher Education and Special Education, 42(2), 297-319. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • An, Z., Hu, X., & Horn, E. (2018). Chinese inclusive education: The past, present, and future. Intervention in School and Clinic, 54(2), 118-122. Online Publication/Abstract.

Select Presentations

  • An, Z., Zeng, S., & Chen, C. (2020, February). Reliability and validity evidence of the Head Start family engagement measure. Poster presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention (CRIEI), San Diego, CA.
  • An, Z., & Horn, E. (2019, October). They don’t really have a role in supporting their children’s social emotional development. Oral Presentation presented at the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference, Dallas, TX.
  • An, Z., & Horn, E. (2019, February). Untangling the decision-making process of early childhood expulsion and suspension. Oral Presentation presented at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference, Tampa, FL/Indianapolis, IN.
  • An, Z., & Horn, E. (2018, October). Expulsion and suspension practice in early childhood settings. Oral Presentation presented at the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • An, Z., & Horn, E. (2018, March). The means and ends of high-prevalent early childhood expulsion and suspension. Poster presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.
  • An, Z. (2017, October). Toward inclusion: Chinese families' understanding of and attitudes toward inclusive education. Poster presented at the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference, Portland, OR.
  • An, Z. (2017, October). Trial-Based functional analysis: A promising approach to understand challenging behaviors. Oral Presentation presented at the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference, Portland, OR.
  • An, Z., & Love, H. (2017, March). Collaborating with culturally and linguistically diverse families for progress monitoring. Oral Presentation presented at the Kansas Division for Early Childhood (KDEC) Conference, Wichita, KS.
  • An, Z. (2016, October). Practice-based coaching with parents of young children with challenging behaviors. Poster presented at the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference, Louisville, KY.
  • An, Z. (2016, April). Peer-mediated intervention for preschoolers with disabilities: Translating research findings to successful practices. Poster presented at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Center for Research on Early Childhood Education Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020
  • Child Care Research Scholar, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2017
  • School of Education Scholarship, University of Kansas, 2017
  • School of Education Scholarship, University of Kansas, 2016
  • School of Education Scholarship, University of Kansas, 2015
  • Capital Outstanding Graduate, Beijing Educational Committee, China, 2012
  • Outstanding Undergraduate of Beijing Normal University, Beijing Normal University, China, 2012
  • First Prize Scholarship, Beijing Normal University, China, 2011
  • National Undergraduate Scholarship, Seal of Educational Committee, China, 2011
  • First Prize Scholarship, Beijing Normal University, China, 2010